Jun 26, 2010

Micro-Cap 10 released

spectrum software has released a new version of its popular EDA tool "Micro-Cap".The Micro-Cap 10 has many new features and improvements.Micro-Cap 10 incorporates many incremental refinements reflecting requests received from users. These and other small, incremental refinements are a big part of what makes the product so easy to use. The technical advancements in MC10 are principally four in number:

Using threading techniques, multiple CPUs are employed to reduce simulation time.

Periodic Steady State uses techniques pioneered by Aprille and Trick to calculate the periodic steady state, removing any short term transients from the time-domain waveforms, greatly simplifying many types of circuit analysis problems.

Two completely new analyses make creation of harmonic and intermodulation distortion plots easy.

Optimization has been improved by the addition of three additional methods. The complete list of methods now includes, Powell, Hooke, Levenberg-Marquardt, and Differential Evolution.

visit to download http://www.spectrum-soft.com/index.shtm